After the Veneto, the revolt of family doctors against being replaced in pharmacies touches Tuscany. More precisely, Pistoia, where the provincial Fimmg has sent its members a letter inviting them to «more frequent use of the wording "non-replaceable" on recipes». The union's initiative stems from concerns related to local news and regional politics. «About a month ago» explains the provincial secretary of Fimmg Pistoia, Beppino Montalti, a patient was hospitalized in intensive care after taking a generic administered by the pharmacist instead of the branded one prescribed by the attending physician. Luckily the woman is now well, but the doctor is now in danger of answering for responsibilities that do not belong to him. And that's something we don't like." As if that weren't enough, the Region is now adding to the pharmacies: in Florence, Prato and Pistoia, a project has started for the dispensing of PTO drugs at the home of fragile patients. These drugs would be purchased with tenders for a large area (districts of several Local Health Authorities) in which the winner is awarded the entire supply. «The risk» explains Montalti «is that the patient will be delivered a certain brand of generic drug regardless of what we have prescribed. We do not like this eventuality and we reiterate that with the public side we are only available for agreements that protect the prescriptive responsibility of the doctor. And in the meantime, for the avoidance of doubt, we advise our doctors to indicate "non-replaceable" in the prescription whenever possible. Provided you don't force the patient to spend exorbitant sums out of his own pocket when there is a difference in price compared to the reimbursement quota ».
Pharmacist33 – 22 March 2011