Historical Archive

Mps: Nas in headquarters for investigations into Menarini

Siena, 10 May. – (Adnkronos) – The Nas carabinieri went today to the management and to an office in Monte dei Paschi in Siena to acquire documents relating to an investigation concerning the Aleotti family, owner of the Menarini pharmaceutical company. This is what has been learned from investigative sources. The investigation, which could concern some financial movements of the Aleottis, has nothing to do with the one that yesterday led the Guardia di Finanza to carry out a series of searches in the Sienese bank as part of the investigation by the Prosecutor on the acquisition of Banca Antonveneta by Mps.

The investigation conducted by the Nas, it was specified, also has nothing to do with the recent acquisition by the Aleotti family of 4% of the capital of Banca Mps.

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