
Myrmex: the protest of the fired workers is underway

The research center had been sold by Pfizer, as a business unit, to the lawyer. Calvi for 1 €. "We immediately start a negotiation table to sell it to the cooperative that the workers have set up" who declare that they are willing to invest €1 in the operation.

08 February 2016 –

Since the early hours of the morning the researchers fired from Myrmex have been protesting in front of the gates of the laboratory of the Industrial area. Yelling the slogan “Fire yourself! Fire yourself! Fired!”, they asked to hold a meeting in the company but found the gates barred. The managers and general manager Salvatore Celeste who signed the dismissal notice telegrams on February 5 (for the unions "an excess of zeal not foreseen by the procedure"), did not show up.

“If anyone thinks that through layoffs we get rid of the ballast of workers, they are making a big mistake – commented Margherita Patti, CGIL confederal secretary and Peppe D'Aquila, general secretary of Filctem CGIL -. We do not intend to suffer this theft. We make the hashtag launched by the workers #lamyrmexènostra ours, and we also intend it to be valid for our Catania and Sicily. We're relaunching another one: #enough talk. The Region enforces the resolution of the council to recover the center and we immediately start a negotiating table to sell it to the cooperative that the workers have set up ".

The workers, who formed a cooperative a year ago, in fact declare that they are willing to invest €1 in the operation; the same price that the lawyer Calvi, director of Myrmex, paid to Pifizer upon the sale of the company branch. A provocative statement, but not too much.

“The research center has enormous potential. The workers will build alliances with universities, other research centers and with the Miur – continue Patti and D'Aquila -. They will be able to demonstrate all the potential that a center like this can express. Those who want to plunder the territory and then escape with the loot in hand must deal with the struggle of the workers who will not allow such a massacre. The institutions reflect and assume their responsibilities; immobilism reeks of complicity. We will not leave here until a dignified solution is found".

Related news: Catania. Myrmex, yet another "no" from the company on the withdrawal of layoffs

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