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Open a dialogue bridge with citizens, take care of the protection of the professional, moral and legal interests of doctors and stigmatize negative professional behaviours; these are the aims with which the Tribunal of the rights and duties of the doctor (TDMe) was born, which will be presented in Rome at the Ministry of Health. Even if there is already controversy. In fact, the Patients' Rights Tribunal (TDM) considers this initiative as "inappropriate": "it is both because of the name - explains Giuseppe Scaramuzza, national coordinator of the TDM - which is very similar to ours and can be confusing, and both because it exacerbates and creates a climate of opposition, at a time when everyone should work together”. On the front of errors, malpractice and defensive medicine, "we are the first to say that the problem must be tackled differently - he continues - but either we do it together, or we won't get out of it. We will in any case send a mandate to our lawyers to evaluate whether this name infringes our patent". The TDM wants “the search for solutions and implementation proposals shared among the members, to find the objective criticalities and to develop politically sustainable projects. A research by the Provincial Order of Doctors of Rome in 2010 showed that approximately 80% of doctors feel at risk of receiving a complaint or complaint, and that 65% of them believe that the main cause is to be found in the climate of exasperation that exists in public opinion”.

Source: http://www.sanitanews.it/quotidiano/intarticolo.php?id=6447&sendid=799


re-The "Court of the rights and duties of the doctor" was born, president Mario Falconi

(Ed: To be honest, the Doctor's Rights Tribunal was not born today but is one year old these days, as already presented a year ago, evidently with little success)

(Ed: To be honest, it is not the first decalogue presented. Read below the Charter of Ferrara and Rights and duties of the employed doctor, now dated 2004 and 2006, which unfortunately had little media following)

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