Federfarma, on the dubious services of the Regions that can be overcome
"The perplexities expressed by the Regions on the possibility that pharmacies offer new social and health services can be overcome because the Regions will have an important role in activating the services". This is what Annarosa Racca (in the photo), President of Federfarma, affirms in a note, underlining that «in the new pharmaceutical agreement, the Regions will define, together with the pharmacies, the methods of providing the services, indicating the necessary requirements and checking compliance ». Racca recalls that the introduction of new services in the pharmacy was born out of the will of Parliament with a 2009 law which "explicitly clarifies that the activation of new services must take place in agreement with the Regions and in compliance with the social-health plans locals". Also because, as the Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio has repeatedly recalled, the increase in the average age of citizens, the consequent greater need for assistance and the impossibility of hospitals to manage acute pathologies and chronically ill patients will make costs unsustainable within a few years. Hence the need to transfer some assistance activities from the hospital to the local area, taking advantage of the capillarity and professionalism of the pharmacies, in close liaison with general practitioners and other healthcare operators. "The project of the new services in the pharmacy - concludes Racca - offers advantages to users and to the NHS which will be able to make better use of the human and economic resources at its disposal".
New services, concerns also from family doctors
After the Order of Doctors, even from the most important union of family doctors, the Fimmg, there comes a "no" to the decrees on new pharmacy services. A "nì" which means yes to the provision on nurses and physiotherapists and no to that on analytical services, also rejected a few days ago by the president of the Federation of Orders Amedeo Bianco. «In the text» explains the national secretary of Fimmg, Giacomo Milillo «a list of services is proposed, of self-diagnosis as well as telemedicine, which are not currently provided for in the Lea and therefore are not reimbursed by the Health Service. If fo