Historical Archive

Health: Colozzi (Regions), Balduzzi has no financial backing

September 26, 2012 – 4.50 pm

(ASCA) - Rome, Sept. 26 - "We have rejected the health decree law because some parts of the provision are without financial coverage". This was explained by the coordinator of the regional councilors for financial affairs, Romano Colozzi, as he left the meeting of the State-Regions Conference.

Colozzi clarified that the government "wants to cover the 24-hour opening of the clinics with the hospital reorganization, forgetting that those funds will not be enough to cover even a part of the 1.8 billion euro that the spending review has reserved for this sector for 2013. At this point, rejection is inevitable".


testata regioni

(regioni.it) During a hearing in the Chamber of Deputies in the Social Affairs Commission, the Conference of Regions delivered a Document concerning its Opinion on the "Balduzzi Decree", in particular on the Bill for the conversion into law of the Decree Law of 13 September 2012, n.158, containing "Urgent provisions to promote the development of the country through a higher level of health protection" (published in the "Conferences" section of the website www.regioni.it).


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