Historical Archive

Simple moves to attract capital

It is not a miracle or an oversight, but a model of successful development. Out of conviction and stubbornness of management, for effective collaboration private-public, i.e. business, institutions and politics. The the Janssen-Cilag case (Johnson&Johnson group) surprises and makes us think. In a scenario that sees Italy becoming impoverished, with large groups divesting due to difficulty bureaucratic procedures and incomprehensible vetoes, the American pharmaceutical giant decides instead to move to Italy (in the plant in Latina) the entire world production of OTC drugs. Why? There is an advanced pole where he works highly qualified personnel. Permits and authorizations arrived on time, politics (left and right) joined forces to bring new resources to the country. A Ambitious challenge won by the Italian system and by the (Italian) management of the company which invests in research and development and creates 100 new jobs in an area strongly affected by the crisis. An isolated case at the moment but which can and must be repeated: because development is not achieved with a magic wand but with a few simple moves.

14-03-2012  Page 18   

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