The Order of Doctors of Piacenza, in collaboration with the AIISF Section of Piacenza and Africa Mission of Vigolzone, organized a charity evening on Saturday 10 June, in the gardens of the Alpine refuge hut of Vigolzone (PC), headquarters of the Anspi association. The initiative was dedicated to raising funds for the construction of a drinking water well in Karamaja in Uganda.
The evening was marked by liveliness and solidarity, with food stands and the performance of the group made up of two doctors plus the "Duodeno" companion and the pop-rock group of doctors and scientific representatives of the "Diagnosi e cura" drug. The mayor of Vigolzone Mario Chiesa, the deputy mayor Werner Argellati and the councilor for culture Lucia Serena took part in the charity evening.
Dr. Giuseppe Miserotti, president of the Piacenza medical association, organizer of the solidarity evening commented "It is the third initiative born from a common idea between the medical association and the Italian association of scientific drug informants which takes its cue from the need to help Africa Mission in the construction of a drinking water well in Uganda in the Karamaja region - continued Miserotti. Among the objectives is also that of instructing the local inhabitants to maintain the well, in order to increase a sense of responsibility and maturity».
Also present at the evening was Carlo Manfredini, president of Africa Mission who spoke about the activities of his association on the charitable initiative, born way back in 1972, «Africa Mission follows from start to finish the projects it promotes among the populations most in difficulty. Not only that, the projects are in fact accompanied by humanitarian and training concerns, to promote the self-development of the populations».
Carlo Manfredini, going into the details of the charity initiative, underlined the precarious hygienic conditions, the backwardness and misery that characterizes the region of Karamaja, made up of nine hundred thousand inhabitants, mostly semi-nomadic shepherds forced to draw water from unhealthy puddles, where animals often drink too: factors that underline the need to build a drinking water well in this Ugandan region.
The Africa Mission project in cooperation with the order of doctors and scientific representatives is also in collaboration with the international non-governmental organization of "Cooperation and development", founded in 1982.
The evening was marked by liveliness and solidarity, with food stands and the performance of the group made up of two doctors plus the "Duodeno" companion and the pop-rock group of doctors and scientific representatives of the "Diagnosi e cura" drug. The mayor of Vigolzone Mario Chiesa, the deputy mayor Werner Argellati and the councilor for culture Lucia Serena took part in the charity evening.
Dr. Giuseppe Miserotti, president of the Piacenza medical association, organizer of the solidarity evening commented "It is the third initiative born from a common idea between the medical association and the Italian association of scientific drug informants which takes its cue from the need to help Africa Mission in the construction of a drinking water well in Uganda in the Karamaja region - continued Miserotti. Among the objectives is also that of instructing the local inhabitants to maintain the well, in order to increase a sense of responsibility and maturity».
Also present at the evening was Carlo Manfredini, president of Africa Mission who spoke about the activities of his association on the charitable initiative, born way back in 1972, «Africa Mission follows from start to finish the projects it promotes among the populations most in difficulty. Not only that, the projects are in fact accompanied by humanitarian and training concerns, to promote the self-development of the populations».
Carlo Manfredini, going into the details of the charity initiative, underlined the precarious hygienic conditions, the backwardness and misery that characterizes the region of Karamaja, made up of nine hundred thousand inhabitants, mostly semi-nomadic shepherds forced to draw water from unhealthy puddles, where animals often drink too: factors that underline the need to build a drinking water well in this Ugandan region.
The Africa Mission project in cooperation with the order of doctors and scientific representatives is also in collaboration with the international non-governmental organization of "Cooperation and development", founded in 1982.