News fedaiisf

The Fedaiisf Federal Congress was held in Bologna

The Fedaiisf Federal Congress was held in Bologna on 15 and 16 June.

During the Congress, which was attended by representatives of the federated associations, the topics of scientific information, relations with institutions, trade union organizations and the state of the art of scientific information in Italy were raised and discussed.

The Congress then unanimously voted for the appointment of Angelo Passini as Honorary Member, first for his long activity in the service of the AIISF and then of the Fedaiisf.

During the Congress the vote was taken to renew the federal offices:

Federal National Executive

President: Antonio Mazzarella

Vice-President: Angelo Baruchello

Secretary: Vittorio Corti

Treasury: Giorgio Pezzi

Relations with federated associations: Massimo Camatti

Director in charge of relations with trade unions: Antonio Daniele

Director in charge of relations with trade unions: Carlo di Nallo

National Board of Arbitrators:

President: Fabio Carinci

Member: Cinzia Rossi

Member: Stefano Benci

The National Executive then conferred the Delegation of relations with the trade union organizations of self-employed workers to Piero Matino

He then appointed the members of the website

Editorial Director Angelo Dazzi

Technical Area Director: Angelo Passini

Editors: Antonio Scano, Riccardo Bevilacqua

Fedaisf Study Center:

Director: Riccardo Bevilacqua








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Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco