Historical Archive

Sigma Tau in crisis finds money for sport

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Anna Feleppa, a reader

Sigma Tau declares a state of financial crisis of the group, a crisis moreover denied by the balance sheet data of the last few years, and on 17 January of this year it closed two research centers, firing workers and putting 569 workers at the Pomezia site on layoffs.

But, the news came on the following 13 February, it invests in sport with the Carnifast product and becomes the official sponsor of Team Salomon for 2012 for mountain running, which is therefore called Team Salomon Carnifast.

In the press release announcing in large letters that Sigma Tau has become an "official sponsor", the company is - rightly given its spending power, recent American investments and active balance sheets - defined as a leader in the pharmaceutical market.

One wonders once again why this company, brought by Passera himself in the famous interview of April 27, 2011 with Sole24ore, an example of a healthy and forward-looking company, you suddenly declare a state of crisis, a crisis moreover not disputed by the current minister and the government, which in the face of such evidence should, in normal cases, express some doubts.

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