Historical Archive


Today the sigma-tau group has about 2,500 people, of which about 66% are employed by sigma-tau Spa. In over fifty years of activity sigma-tau has been able to build a reputation capable of attracting the best resources, in terms of human capital, of developing and retaining the greatest talents within the group, motivating individuals who share the same values promoted by the company, such as honesty, respect, excellence and responsibility. In the workforce, the presence of men is predominant, even if there is a significant increase in female figures in management: in 2007, women were 24.1% of executives and 28.6% of middle managers, two figures on the rise compared to those of 2006. 99% of employees are employed on permanent contracts and company seniority, which stands on average at 17 years, highlights a relationship of loyalty and trust between the group and personal. 

Finance and Markets of 03/20/2009 p. 11


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