Historical Archive

Spending Review: Myceli (FILCTEM-CGIL), changing the drug regulation.

(AGENPARL)-ROME, NOVEMBER 13-Today in Florence the Secretary General of Filctem-Cgil, Emilio Miceli, met the Filctem component of the "Menarini" RSU, the largest Italian pharmaceutical group in Europe and in the world, in preparation for the CGIL general strike tomorrow (Wednesday 14 November, editor's note) extended for another four hours in the company against the announcement of 1000 Esubers declared in the company. At the center of the discussion, the acute issue of the rule inserted by the Government in the "spending review" which operates a different regulation of drug prescriptions which, instead of regulating the markets, directly affects the products. “It is a harmful choice – said Miceli – which affects a high segment of our production system – from research to production – and only weakens the country. We are still waiting - adds the secretary - for the summons to the Ministry of Economic Development and we ask for a substantial change to the law because it is useless to discuss competitiveness when a strategic sector that incorporates innovation and research is hit heavily". During the meeting, the specific situation of “Menarini” was also examined, whose industrial project seems to aim at its downsizing in our country. “We need – comments the union leader – to fully understand what the Group's industrial objectives are and the choices it intends to make in Italy. But - he warns - we want to clearly say that pharmaceutical research and production are not suitable for "low cost" solutions typical of other areas of the world: in this sector people's health is safeguarded and it must be done in the best possible way!".
"In this sense - concludes Miceli - after the confrontation with the ministry, a close discussion with the management and the property itself will be necessary".

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