Historical Archive

Treviso, peace made between local health authorities and family doctors

Peace made between the Asl9 of Treviso and the family doctors. And therefore cancelled, the white strike planned from 11 November to 31 December. After an almost three-hour meeting between the delegates of Fimmg and the Company, an agreement was reached on the issues of security for the continuity of care and the reimbursement for the adjustment of IT flows. In summary, as regards the first point, the Asl9 has made it official that the video surveillance system for the most at risk emergency medical offices (Paese, Spresiano, Roncade and Mogliano) will come into operation in a few days. As far as computerization is concerned, however, the parties have established that the contribution will be disbursed in the next December installment against the commitment by the Fimmg of Treviso to have all Mmg adhere to the new procedures for sending electronic prescriptions within 30 days. "After the 30 days," he pointed out Brunello Gorini, secretary of Fimmg Treviso «if there has been no adjustment, the ASL will proceed with the recovery of the sums disbursed following a prior dispute with the interested party. We are very satisfied with how things have turned out and with the results obtained thanks also to the intervention of the prefect. Furthermore, with the battle for the safety of the Ca, we have shown true solidarity between family doctors and medical guards, spontaneously going in the direction of that "unique role" of which there is so much talk in this period".

November 9, 2012 – DoctorNews


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