Historical Archive

About numbers (2)

  Response from Antonio Scano to Francesco Lupinacci, who intervened after reporting an inaccurate piece of news found by his colleague Scano on the informativi.it website. We publish the three letters.
-1-  December 23, 2006
I am a Scientific Representative of the drug of Schering spa and I have read, thanks to the recommendation of a colleague, the relevant press release “Solidarity to MSD and Bayer-Schering colleagues” on the “informatori.it” website.
First I must point out the inaccuracy of the news regarding possible layoffs, or scrapping as defined by "National Secretariat of SLF-cobas", of 400 ISF.
In fact, both the RSU Bayer and Schering have never spoken of such a number and, all the more, the trade union representatives of CGIL, CISL and UIL present at everyone corporate meetings.
In our trade union meetings a representative of this “slf-cobas” union never showed up, therefore it doesn't even seem correct to disclose circumstances, or anything else that cannot really be verified by the workers themselves, in order to avoid sowing unfounded worries and panic.
Therefore in reiterating the groundlessness of the disclosed data, I believe that such news should be checked, verified at the source and then commented and analyzed before being published.
As for the reflections that preceded the news referred to in the subject, they can be shared provided that wide-ranging considerations are made, i.e. also trace the causes of a similar malpractice that exists in our reality.
We are referring to the political one, who allowed all of this to happen and, coincidentally, very often it is those politicians for whom we undertake to seek votes and, what is even more harmful, who lend themselves to partisan behaviour.
Partisan behavior that unfortunately I also frequently detect on the site from which I learned the news, I perceive such hatred towards the companies for which these colleagues work, if they still work, as if it were a matter of personal revenge.
I'm not a corporate thread, but I prefer to deal with those who respect work and, above all, with those who work to build the unity of professionals in our sector and not with those who, sowing discord by standing up as a champion of the ISF, simultaneously hide behind trade union slogans who do not appreciate or do not share our goals.
We should meditate a little more on these aspects.
I started doing it a long time ago.
-2-  December 24, 2006
Dear A. Scano, I am a former scientific informant of the drug and I publish the Internet site  informatori.it.   I too, like you, have received from some of my readers your letter published by the editors of the site aiisf.it which I reproduce in full and which partially concerns me.
I consider it my duty, for the correctness that there must be in relations with one's readers and interlocutors, to try to respond to some of your interpretations that concern me about some

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