Historical Archive

AIISF criticizes the OO.SS. on the CCNL

To the General Secretary Filcem Cgil Alberto Morselli
To the Secretary General Femca Cisl Sergio Gigli
To the General Secretary Filcem Uil Romano Bellissima
This is to protest vehemently about the probability, on the part of the Trade Unions, of concluding the negotiations for the renewal of the CCNL, without a clear and definitive solution to the points concerning the Scientific Representatives of the drug (ISF)
– It is not clear why the definition, in an unequivocal manner, of the activity of Pharmaceutical Representatives, their profile and their role should be referred to specific commissions.
(The health care scandals are an example of how fundamental it is to define the above point, which has seen the systematic blaming of the ISF for behaviors almost always beyond their control and the job insecurity to which they have been subjected for some time and which has been increasingly accentuated in the last period).
– It is also not possible to envisage a form of apprenticeship for ISFs as the mere possession of the requisites established by law constitutes a necessary and sufficient qualification for carrying out the activity.
– The figure of the ISF must be excluded from the training mechanism which provides for the use of 1.5 days made available by the worker. For this professional figure, training is already largely carried out by companies, it is done by law, not on the basis of shared projects and is currently carried out using normal working hours.
– Still other would be the points on which to discuss and on which the trade unions. they should not have compromised, including the recognition of category A, organizational position 3 (as already recognized for some pharmaceutical companies) for ISF in possession of particular professional competence characterized by considerable experience acquired in the exercise of the function.
On these points, the AIISF believes it should ask for an immediate, serene and constructive discussion before concluding the negotiations.
This is a prerequisite for continuing our relationships of collaboration and dialogue.
It will be our care to constantly inform all colleagues of the outcome of our eventual meeting.

Looking forward to your communications, we send our best regards.

for the national executive 
The Head of Relations with the Trade Unions 
Dr. Giovanni Rinelli

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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco