Historical Archive


Campaign of the Tribunal of the Sick on generic medicines

FOR ONE DAY they will improvise "guides" for the patients who go to the Scotte. Tomorrow, from 10 to 14, they will tell users how to use medicines correctly as part of the campaign "Use generic medicines well, an advantage for everyone". The "proximity informants" of Cittadinanza-attiva take the field, architects of the initiative alongside the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa). The campaign is promoted in collaboration with Simg, Fimmg, Federconsumatori, Altroconsumo, Codacons, Federfarma, Assofarma, Consumer Movement, FederAnziani. Specially trained people will explain to citizens the methods, timing and precautions to follow when taking a so-called "equivalent" product, as safe and effective as a branded one.
THE GUIDES HAVE HAD in-depth information which enables them to deal in a simple way with delicate topics such as the doctor-patient relationship, how to take over-the-counter and non-prescription drugs, the effectiveness of "generics", the possible side effects, the good habits to avoid the use-abuse of medicines. Among the material available is also a small illustrative booklet to be given to users, distributed to help provide correct health and pharmaceutical information. The Nation of 11/19/2007 ed. SIENA p. 27  

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