July 3, 2013 – The sun24 HOURS Healthcare
First of all, a three-year Stability Pact to ensure regulatory stability in the sector and rapid access to new drugs and vaccines on the innovation front. «Drugs and vaccines – said the president of Farmindustria, Massimo Scaccabarozzi, unanimously confirmed yesterday at the helm of the association for the next three years(YOU SEE)– https://www.fedaiisf.it/Start/HDefault.aspx?Newsid=8066 they are of such great importance for people's quality of life that they sometimes overlook the role of companies in the economic growth that make them available thanks to large and high-risk investments and long and complex R&D processes. And this also happens in Italy, which - thanks to the many excellences expressed in the area in production and research - is second in Europe only to Germany for the number of companies and for the value of pharmaceutical production".
Then stop the regional fragmentation in Healthcare by rebalancing the powers and responsibilities between the State and the Regions; a "control room" between the Ministries of Economic Development, Health, the Economy and Labor to make the country's health policies and industrial growth compatible; an active role of the Ministry of Economic Development within the Italian Medicines Agency.
And still no more caps for single drug and for therapeutic classes since the governance of expenditure is guaranteed by the general caps; prescriptive freedom of the doctor in the therapeutic choice respecting the appropriateness, but without constraints of an economic nature or discrimination against branded products.
These are Farmindustria's seven proposals - presented this morning on the occasion of the annual meeting of the association of pharmaceutical companies which is taking place in Rome - for a "zero-cost" relaunch of Italian pharmaceuticals, an important lever of development for the country, as the numbers testify: 174 factories, 63,500 employees (90% graduates), 5,950 for R&D, 26 billion in production (67% due to exports), 2.4 billion investments (1.2 in R&D and 1.2 in production