Dear Colleagues, 2019 is also coming to an end and, as it was for 2018, it leaves us with a load of experiences that we will remember for a long time.
We have laid the foundations for an even more combative 2020. Many things have been done, many have happened, some good others, unfortunately, bad. Too many colleagues/friends have left us. A special thought goes to them and for many of us they will remain in our memories, in our hearts.
2020 already presents itself with interesting prospects from the very first days. When I started this adventure, I already knew it would be demanding, difficult and long. But I had the support of all of you who encouraged me to go forward every day, straight on the road that we have all traced together.
We have grown a lot, both in terms of numbers and experience and visibility. Today we are a compact team, much stronger than even just a year ago. The interest that all together we have managed to arouse in colleagues and arouse in the institutions is a strong driving force that drives us to do more, to do better.
We are ready for the leap in quality, to come out of the chrysalis and show ourselves for who we really are: an important cog in the Healthcare machine. I hope I haven't been proven wrong in fact but an I don't know what tells me that 2020 will be the year that will finally open the right doors for us. And we will work for it anyway.
In the meantime, dear friends, let's enjoy this period of well-deserved rest and serenity with our families.
I thank each of you for all the help you have given me but above all I thank your husbands, wives and children who have accepted the sacrifice of seeing you engaged in a project that is incomprehensible to most. Without the patience and compliance of our families, everything we do would not be possible.
I sincerely wish you a serene and joyful Christmas. May life smile on you, always.