Agentpress. All Italian medical orders will receive a formal warning from Codacons in these days aimed at guaranteeing transparency in favor of citizens and making known the relationship between white coats and pharmaceutical companies.
“Last August we published on our website the list of Italian doctors and foundations/universities/institutes financed by the pharmaceutical company Glaxo-Smith-Kline, as disseminated by EFPIA, and we sent a report to the Anac for the purposes of the due investigations - explains the president Carlo Rienzi -
With this formal notice, we ask the Orders of Doctors to order the obligation for white coats operating in Italy to indicate within their offices all relations with pharmaceutical companies, displaying appropriate signs aimed at informing patients about links with drug multinationals.
This in compliance with the Code of Ethics for professionals and with the aim of guaranteeing full transparency to citizens who - the association states - when they consult a doctor and receive prescriptions for the purchase of medicines, must be able to know the relationships existing between the same professional and the companies that produce the medicines prescribed by him.
In the meantime, all citizens can check if their own doctor has received funding from Glaxo by viewing the appropriate list published on the page https://codacons.it/ecco-la-lista-dei-medici-italiani-e-delle-fondazioni-universita-finanziati-dalla-glaxo-smith-kline-nel-2015-2016-e-2017/
Lastly, Codacons will ask the local health authorities throughout Italy for the list of drugs prescribed by the doctors indicated in the list, to check if they have mainly indicated to their patients medicines produced by Glaxo.
Money and health care, earthquake in Sicily: warning for medical orders ready
Editor's note: One wonders why, given the laws, Codacons doesn't join our trade associations to point out that through compliance with the laws and legal recognition of our profession of ISF, there would be greater control and a lower risk that Do you run into crimes?
Thus the Codacons is not constructive and limits itself to throwing the usual stone into the pond with the hope that a storm will arise, which in any case will never happen.