Historical Archive

Scilipoti press release: "United against the overwhelming power of the pharmaceutical industries"

 Hon. Scilipoti


Foggia 05.10.10: – “Urgent responses are needed from the Government to the Inspection Syndicate Acts presented by me and the appointment of a rapporteur to the Proposal of Law no. 3507 "Regulations concerning scientific information" of 26 May 2010 - XII Social Affairs Commission, to try to put an end to the current massacre of rights in the pharmaceutical sector, where, despite the growth in company profits, people continue to be fired". Scilipoti, honorary president of the National Forum on Pharmaceuticals, with reference to the meeting organized in Foggia by Dr. Antonio Lattanzio, provincial president of the UnISF, against the overwhelming power of the pharmaceutical industries. "It is with great participation - continues the deputy of Italia dei Valori -  that I welcome the outcry of anger from the ISF category, often harassed and humiliated by companies that resort to mobility or  to the transfers of the company branch for discard of highly qualified personnel. On the occasion of this meeting – concludes the Hon. Scilipoti (IdV) - I confirm my utmost commitment  in restoring professional dignity to the ISF,  fundamental figures for the protection of the sick".



Angelica White

Press office

Hon. Dr. Domenico Scilipoti


Phone: 06 67604225

Fax: 06 67608346



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