Historical Archive

Crisis also for generics. Foresti: it's the decree's fault

The growth of generic medicines in Italy is slowing down in the first months of 2012. A paradox, at first sight, considering that in times of crisis citizens should be more inclined towards low-cost products, including medicines. Yet the data says the opposite: previously the generic drug market grew at an average of 15% per month, now it has stopped between 5 and 7%. The figure is "worrying" says Giorgio Foresti, president of Assogenerici, who is currently preparing the IV Assogenerici Conference, "Generics and biosimilars: the keys to the sustainability of the National Health Service", which will take place in Rome, in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, on 21 and 22 June. Two days of meetings and debates with all the representatives of the supply chain to take stock of the situation and try to design future paths. "At a time like this one would expect an increase in generic drugs, but the situation is not rosy, it is clearly going against the trend and the data are certainly not positive", Foresti explains in this regard, underlining that the sharp drop in growth in the sector depends "in part on the crisis", which may have slowed down consumption, but to a large extent on the infamous liberalization decree, "which was distorted compared to the initial approach and which in fact put the development of generic drugs in difficulty". In essence, continues the president of Assogenerici, the decree that was supposed to represent a driving force for generics actually produced the opposite effect, "that of blocking their growth". And yet, concludes Foresti, "a massive use of generic drugs would produce innovation and free up very important resources at the moment".

June 20, 2012 – DoctorNews

Difficult start for pharmaceuticals: drop in the first quarter

A difficult start to the year for the Italian pharmaceutical industry which suffers from repeated financial manoeuvres, too long approval times and late payments. This is what the report on the pharmaceutical industry, published in the Sole 24Ore, affirms

A difficult start to the year for the Italian pharmaceutical industry which suffers from repeated financial manoeuvres, too long approval times and late payments. This is what the report on the pharmaceutical industry, published in the Sole 24Ore, states, which signals a drop in drug production of 6.2% in the first 4 months of 2012 compared to the previous year and presents a difficult situation for businesses, with exports that are no longer able to compensate for the slowdown in the domestic market. Difficult situation not only «due to the repetitive maneuvers which in five years have unleashed reductions in various ways

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