Historical Archive


The crisis of Nerviano medical sciences has landed in the Region

– NERVIANO – THE PROBLEMS of Nerviano medical sciences (Nms) were illustrated yesterday to the fourth Commission of the Lombardy Regional Council which deals with productive activities by the basic trade union representatives of the research institute and by the representatives of CGIL-CISL-UIL of Legnano. For some months now, the largest research and development company for anticancer drugs operating in Europe has been going through a serious crisis originating from financial problems. A crisis that also questions the continuation of the activity it has carried out since May 2004 in the Pfizer Research Center in Nerviano, which occupies an area of 185,000 square meters. The crisis could have very serious repercussions on employment. Approximately 650 people work in the research center in via Nerviano, including over 550 researchers, some including foreigners, who see their jobs at risk. The crisis, however, could also affect related industries which would lead to around a thousand jobs at risk. The trade union organizations therefore asked the Lombardy Region for an institutional table involving the Province, the Region and the Government in order to deal in the best possible way with the difficult situation the center is experiencing.

On the day of 06/03/2009 ed. Legnano p. 6




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