With a banner that shows the principles of "independence, autonomy and responsibility", values capable of "joining medical ethics to civil ethics, but today strongly questioned". So the Fnomceo will be present at the demonstration of 27 October called in Rome by the trade union representatives. He announces it in an open letter, signed by the central committee, sent to all doctors, in which he also invites the presidents of the Order, the provincial executive councils and the members to "participate in person". A necessary participation "to guarantee citizens the right to treatment and doctors the right-duty to treat fairly, "with a view to supporting a platform for the necessary changes", but above all because "the profession is faced with crucial and difficult choices and the only thing it cannot afford is not to choose". The context is the well-known one of a public health system that has been asked for a great deal, with an "overall reduction in funding of approximately 21 billion euros and a further 1.6 billion in cuts in the two-year period 2013/14 envisaged by the first announcements of the Stability law". Not only that: "Doctors - about 235 thousand - who work in the National Health Service have been called to make a considerable contribution with the blocking of contracts, agreements and salaries - currently up to 2014 -, with additional levies to those of Irpef, on gross income brackets exceeding 90 thousand euros, with blocks and cuts to professional and career development dynamics, with severe limitations on turnover, with the spread of precarious employment relationships (estimated at 7-8 % of medical management only)". In «this drift», continues Fnomceo di Amedeo Bianco (photo), it is essential "to ask ourselves what we can do", because "even in the future it will not be possible to maintain a fair, universalistic, supportive and quality system of health protection, if our profession is defeated in its ethical and civil values sanctioned by deontology, not sufficiently equipped in terms of knowledge and skills, marginalized in the decision-making chains of health organizations, left alone to hold the gap between what is possible for medicine and health care and what, however, is not".
October 16, 2012 – DoctorNews