
From scientific informant to mystery writer, the story of Stefano and his novel

scrittore3In Paris at the end of the 1800s the ambiguous Monsieur Rossini organizes a dinner in his luxurious apartment in rue Des Petits. The guests, who are unaware of the reason for the invitation, eat in the absence of the host, who is locked up in his room. Later they realize that Rossini has been killed. Inspector Gidot intervenes to investigate the case, who will have to juggle the close relationships and secrets that bind the guests to the victim.

Who knows what Agatha Christie would think of "The Mystery of the Ladies of Lautrec" first mystery novel by Stefano Guidotti from Piacenza, an avid genre reader who ten years ago began to devote himself to writing by creating some short stories up to the creation of the book published by Ciesse Edizioni.

Guidotti, a native of Fiorenzuola with a degree in Agricultural Sciences and many years of work as a scientific medical informant of the drug, he has always been a fervent aficionado of thrillers, especially those with a classic structure. His novel comes from a great work of historical research on settings and characters. In fact, the fictional protagonists of the book mix with those that actually existed. Guidotti has also recovered the topographical maps of the years in which the story was set to make the interpreters move in a context as faithful as possible to the reference period, only to then go in person to the places mentioned in the volume.

The book is available on the internet and can be reserved in bookstores. Guidotti already has another novel set in London in the 60s in the pipeline. “It's a dream come true – he explained to the Telelibertà cameras.

September 10, 2016 – LIBERTÀ.it


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