The Decree Law of 1 April 2021, n. 44: Urgent measures for the containment of the COVID-19 epidemic, regarding vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, of justice and public tenders. (21G00056) (GU General Series n.79 of 01-04-2021)
L'art. 4 says: ... in order to protect public health and maintain adequate safety conditions in the provision of care and assistance services, those carrying out the health professions and operators of health interest who carry out their activity in public and private health, social health and social welfare structures, in pharmacies, parapharmacies and professional studios they are obliged to undergo free vaccination for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Within five days from the date of entry into force of this decree, each competent territorial professional Order sends the list of members, with indication of the place of their respective residence, to the region or autonomous province in which it is based. Within the same term the employers of operators of health interest who carry out their activity in public or private health care, social health, social welfare structures, pharmacies, parapharmacies and professional studios send the list of their employees with this qualification, with the indication of the place of respective residence, to the region or autonomous province in whose territory they operate.
In practice, this decree imposes the vaccination obligation for the categories included and included in phase 1 in the interim Recommendations on the target groups of anti-SARS-CoV2-2/Covid-19 vaccination published on Official Gazette of the Italian Republic n. 72 of 24 March 2021, from p. 38, in particular on page 41
Therefore also including the Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives who are therefore forced to get vaccinated