“I am sure, due to our talks, that there is a large share, also by various regional exponents, of the idea of maintaining a unitary design of the ECM, even if there are different opinions on the concrete modalities of its implementation. For this reason, pending a complete definition of the roles of the various institutional actors, I propose that you identify suitable methods for managing the transitional period as soon as possible" wrote the Minister of Health, Livia Turco, to Enrico Rossi, Coordinator of the regional health councilors and councilor for the right to health of Tuscany. The solutions identified could form the subject of a State-Regions Agreement, which is a prelude to a legislative instrument, even of urgency, with which to redefine the roles of each protagonist. In the meantime, the Minister said, an extension of the experimental phase could be envisaged. The Minister therefore responded by return of post to the solicitation of councilor Rossi who signaled in a letter "the state of serious hardship in the sector of Continuing Medical Education, whose experimental programme, launched by the State-Regions Conference with Agreement dated December 20, 2001, will expire on December 31”. As recalled by Rossi, in view of the conclusion of the experimental phase, with the bridging agreement of 16 March last Ministry and the Regions had agreed to develop a joint proposal for the transition to full operation of the ECM procedure. Consistent with this commitment, the National Commission for Continuing Education has suspended the accreditation of training events since 2 October, since requests for accreditation must be received 90 days before the event. The recent sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 328 of 2006, which, while recognizing the exclusive tasks of the National Commission for continuous training, has attributed to the Regions a decidedly priority role in the field of professional training. From Doctornews 06-11-06