From 20 January next, the Ministerial Decree of 26 November 2009 will enter into force, which establishes the sanctions for those who do not respect the distribution margins established for pure generic drugs by law 77/2009. As will be recalled, Law 77 intervened to prohibit the so-called extra discounts both in the form of a lower sale price and in the form of free quantities or other forms of "economic utility"; now the new decree establishes that the pharmacy that does not respect the margin established by law is liable to a fine from 500 to 3000 euros, which can be extinguished within 60 days of the dispute or notification of the infringement with the payment of 1000 euros. In case of recurrence of the infraction, the competent administrative authority will be able to establish the closure of the pharmacy for a period of at least 15 days, with communication to the Ministry of Health and Aifa.
Pharmacist33 – 11 January 2010 – Year 6, Number 1