Historical Archive

Pharmaceuticals: Tuscany Region, forcing of redundancies from Menarini

October 16, 2012 – 1:59 pm

(ASCA) – Florence, Oct. 16 – “The repercussion of national choices on a company's turnover cannot be passed on to workers. Launching the hypothesis of 1,000 redundancies was a stretch on Menarini's part. Now it is urgently necessary to restart the discussion from zero point and start a peaceful confrontation between institutions, companies and trade union parties".

The councilor for productive activities, training and work of the Tuscany Region Gianfranco Simoncini met this morning with the trade union representatives of Menarini and the provincial unions, to take stock of the matter, after the announcement by the company of the opening of the procedure mobility per 1,000 workers.

Simoncini also announced that he will meet the company on Friday, and that he will write a new letter to Minister Passera, to inform him of this morning's meeting and to ask again for the activation of a table on pharmaceuticals, also requested by the national trade union organisations.

Already in recent days, the commissioner had sent letters to ministers Passera and Balduzzi, to request the opening of the table.

“The situation created by the law on the obligation to prescribe active ingredients – says Simoncini – concerns not only Menarini, but other companies as well. And in any case – he underlines – the repercussion of national choices on turnover cannot be passed on to workers. Also because, from the first checks made by the offices of the health department, checks that are still in progress and must be studied in depth and clarified, it would appear that there is a backlash, but not such as to hypothesize the numbers put on the table by Menarini".


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