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Drugs, 18.7 million lost for 68 thefts in hospital, motion in Lombardy

"Recent analyzes show that between 2006 and 2013, 68 cases of theft from Italian hospitals were recorded, for a total loss of at least 18.7 million euros. And Lombardy is among the most affected regions".

This was recalled by Maria Teresa Baldini, councilor of the Maroni group, President of the Lombardy Regional Council, who presented a motion to ask for "the adoption of all necessary initiatives to stem the phenomenon of drug thefts in hospitals in Lombardy. The phenomenon of drug thefts in hospitals - says Baldini - represents a real emergency both for the coffers of the health system and for patients, indirectly involved, following the risk that stolen drugs, perhaps deteriorated or in any case without the necessary guarantees, could be counterfeited and put back into circulation on parallel markets i in a kind of black market.

The most recent episode dates back to recent days and concerns the theft of chemotherapy drugs from the pharmacy located inside the San Pio X clinic in Milan, for a value of 100 thousand euros. Faced with a phenomenon of this size - adds Baldini - I think it is appropriate for the Region to intervene".

Paola Olgiati – 10 April 2014 – PharmaKronos







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