
Drugs prescribed by nurses? Hypothesis under study

The general manager of theAifa (Italian Medicines Agency) Mario Melazzini opens up the possibility of 'prescribing' medicines by nurses. In his speech at the Congress of the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (formerly Ipasvi now Fnopi) the dg Aifa indicated the possibility of starting a path "that can guarantee a more functional response to patients".

Melazzini stated that he is in favor of the prescription of innovative medicines by family doctors; in this vein the 'prescription' of medicines by nurses, with modalities and forms all to be exploredis something that can be worked on.

Obviously, Melazzini specified, "all professionals must work together, doctors, health professionals and above all pharmacists". The pharmacy of services, in fact, according to the general director of Aifa, can profitably make use of the figure of the nurse. “Who better than these professionals can be a trait d'union between the various healthcare professionals involved in prescribing?” said the general manager, also recalling how various European countries have opened up to forms of prescribing indications by nurses. Of course there will be need for regulatory changes, but above all it is important to "find a path that I still consider functional".

adnkronos – Published on: 07/03/2018

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