
Farmindustria, exports grow and investments increase. Well the Jobs Act

Land last year's promises have been kept. Employment, thanks also to Jobs Act, is no longer marking time and the 5,000 new hires - half under 30 - in the last 12 months have exceeded the number of outgoing workers, with an increase (+1%) in the number of employees. This is what emerged during the morning's work during the public Assembly of Farmindustria, held in Rome at the Teatro Argentina.

Investments increased by 200 million euro (+11%). Exports grew again (+6% in 2014, after +14% in 2013 and +13% in 2012) by 1.2 billion in just one year. But that's not all, the report by the drug industry association shows that there are 7,000 medicines under development – mainly biotech – which concern cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and HIV. Increasingly personalized drugs that will change the history of several serious diseases. A phenomenon in which Italy also participates with its centers of excellence for example for oncology, rare diseases, vaccines, biotech drugs and advanced therapies.

The game has not been won but there have been many steps forward thanks to an efficient innovation network that creates health and value. A revolution that requires rethinking governance to ensure the sustainability of the system. Positive values also for production which reached 28.7 billion euros (+4.5%) and for exports which reached an all-time high (72% of production) with 21 billion. From 2010 to 2014, our country was the first in the world for growth in the value of exports of medicines and vaccines. Results that have strengthened the second position after Germany among the nations producing medicines in the European Union.

The Italy of medicines with its 63,000 employees, 174 factories in the area and 2.5 billion in investments confirms itself as the European hub of the sector. And it wants to become the world hub. «Successes achieved by companies that are the flagship of Made in Italy – he said Massimo Scaccabarozzi, President of Farmindustria – but that it would be wrong to take for granted especially in a very competitive world context.

This is why there is a need for stability, guaranteed in the last 2 years, with clear rules, to be confirmed and consolidated to encourage investment and innovation. Italy is emerging from the crisis. And the pharmaceutical industry was one of the co-protagonists of the country's relaunch». And, he warned, “there are decisive challenges ahead of us by working together, side by side, with the institutions and the other players in the system, we will be able to overcome them for a future with great opportunities. For everyone, starting with the patients”.

There relation by the president of Farmindustria Massimo Scaccabarozzi
message by Minister Beatrice Lorenzin

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