The delegations of powers of the Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio to the undersecretaries Martini and Roccella were published in the Official Gazette of Friday 30 April.
Fazio delegates Martini to deal with and sign the following deeds: subjects of veterinary public health, food and nutrition; subjects of disability, rehabilitation and tariff nomenclature of prosthetic assistance. And again, among others: payment of indemnities in favor of subjects damaged by irreversible complications due to compulsory vaccinations, transfusions and administration of blood products, to appeals and compensation in the matter; maintaining relationships with general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice. Martini is also delegated to deal, in agreement with the minister, with all matters relating to the implementation of the law on fiscal federalism, relations with the health commission of the Conference of Regions and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano and the management of profiles concerning the National Health Fund.
Fazio also delegates Undersecretary Roccella to deal with and sign the following documents: women's health; implementation of law 194 and law 40; subjects concerning assisted procreation, embryology as well as biological material derived from human embryos. And again: policies for the protection of people's dignity in the final phase of the life cycle; donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of tissues and cells; relations with voluntary and third sector organizations in health and social care matters; ethical principles of the system as well as supervising the respect and protection of the ethical principles of the system. Undersecretary Roccella will also personally deal with relations with international bodies, medical-scientific societies, representatives of trade associations of the health professions, trade unions, orders and colleges, AIFA, the Higher Institute of Health and the Higher Health Council in delegated matters.
Federico Finocchi – PharmaKronos – 4 May 2010