Historical Archive

FederAnziani, FIMMG carries out terrorism on generic drugs. Balduzzi make it clear

"Italian patients are disoriented, alarmed by the words of the Secretary General of FIMMG Milillo, in relation to his statements on generic medicines" is what the President of FederAnziani Roberto Messina declares, asking Minister Balduzzi to intervene to defend the elderly who use generic medicines. According to the President of FederAnziani Messina "the leaders of general practitioners carry out psychological terrorism to the detriment of patients".
Furthermore, FederAnziani, in the light of what Milillo declared, raised the question of whether or not equivalent medicines can be trusted. “If the tens of thousands of general practitioners who meet the millions of elderly patients every day question the efficiency and efficacy of generic medicines – asks Messina – why are they put into circulation? Precisely in relation to these doubts and to Milillo's assertion that doctors are legally responsible, it would be appropriate at this point to treasure them and act accordingly"

http://www.sanitaincifre.it 19/04/2012


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