No to the marketing of medicine, provided for by the Bersani law. From the studio to the square, dentists demonstrate in Rome, together with other freelancers, against the Bersani law, the Budget law and the reform of the professions that the Government is about to implement. “We took to the streets – says Gianpiero Cioni, vice president of Andi (National Association of Dentists) – to defend our patients from the commercialization of medicine. Citizens still don't realize it, but the Bersani law will lead to a decline in the quality of services, with the entry of large capitals and the establishment of mixed companies”. “The consequence – he underlines – will be wild competition, which will lower quality and consumer protection. Italian dentistry is among the best in the world, but who knows how it will end up. Today the Order enforces our deontology and professional ethics. If they consider us companies, then we might as well join the Chamber of Commerce”, concludes Cioni with a provocation. From Doctornews 10-13-06