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FLORENCE. Smi against the Tuscan agreement between Fimmg and the Region

Role of doctors in the area which is weakening and public health which risks giving way to the private one. These, according to the Smi, are the direct consequences of the Tuscan agreement, signed on Tuesday by Fimmg and the Region, on the reorganization of territorial care (see DNews of 30 November).
"Actually," he attacks Except Cali, secretary general of the union «a health system is being built with fewer hospitals, fewer beds and fewer and fewer doctors than the 118 emergency. The consequences? The further collapse of the few remaining emergency rooms. Tuscany is in pr! line in this project of disguised privatization that marginalizes doctors".
Furthermore, the intervention in the journal Toscana Medica by Antonio Panti, president of the federation of medical orders of Tuscany. In the editorial, according to the union, Panti would delegitimize «de facto the universities and the training and qualification courses of doctors, in favor of the so-called know-how. The consequence of this theorization» summarizes Calì «also opens up concrete risks of demedicalisation of important sectors of our healthcare organization on the trade union level, starting - as has already been partially achieved - with the territorial health emergency». And he concludes: «The SMI has already stigmatized certain operations in the Tuscany region such as the See and Treat which were inspired by the logic of savings, moreover aimed at "smoothing" the new political subject of nurses. The custodians of deontology rather than supporting certain health policy choices should support doctors and their professionalism, but, in Tuscany, the opposite occurs ».

December 3, 2012 – DoctorNews


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