Let's get vaccinated, is the campaign that is supporting the "Su di tone" association to return to embracing the future. The initiative was espoused by Lazio region, fromAsl Frosinone and from Municipality of Cassino
Properly inform the population to raise awareness on the subject of the anti vaccine COVID-19. This is the mission of the campaign 'Let's get vaccinated, let's go back to embracing the future' which stems from a motion presented in the city council.
The initiative was immediately embraced by the Lazio Region through the president of the regional council Mauro Buschini and the regional councilor Sara Battisti. As well as by the ASL of Frosinone through the subscription of its general manager Pierpaola D'Alessandro. The regional president of FEDAIISF also fully supports the project Charles DiNallo. The project of the municipality of Cassino boasts the unanimous vote of the City Council.
«The goal of 'Let's get vaccinated to embrace the future again' – the promoters say – is to correctly inform the population about the opportunity of vaccination as the only way out of the current health and therefore economic crisis. Placing a barrier to the growing anti-scientific campaigns. An effort that must unite each of us in order to reach the 70% threshold of vaccinated people. Considered by experts to be the minimum to ensure herd immunity, which would allow us to return to normalcy.
The importance of vaccination
«The added value will be to make everyone perceive the importance of vaccination. And how this can impact the life of each of us.
No man is an island and no one saves himselfor, – they conclude – precisely because of this it is necessary to join forces to be able to reach as many people as possible in our province. Informing them in a scientifically correct way and highlighting that only by adhering to the vaccination campaign will it be possible to return to a longed-for normality. The one without Italy divided into risk bands, the one without curfews. The one we've been missing for a long, too long time».