Rome, September 24, 2012
To the Software House Legal Representatives
Management of Medical Practice
Their email addresses
Object: indications of IT actions pursuant to paragraph 11-bis – Article 15 – Bill "Conversion into law, with amendments, of the decree-law of July 6, 2012, n. 95, containing urgent provisions for the revision of public expenditure with unchanged services for citizens".
very kind,
as announced before the approval of the rule relating to the prescription for active ingredients in the cases provided for by the law in question and in consideration of the interpretative difficulties due to the combined provisions of several rules on the prescription, it is considered no longer postponeable to send the SS.VV the necessary information and as a guarantee for our members of adaptation of management software.
These indications remain provisional but of reference, pending the indispensable clarifications from the responsible institutions and in particular from the result of the Ministry/FNOMCeO table.
Particularly important, in our opinion, are the indications that underline the need to highlight some IT actions that must distinguish possible automatisms and on the doctor's default decision, from actions that, on the other hand, cannot ignore the maintenance of the professional role in the single choice.