'The Betrayal of Hippocrates. The medicine of business', interview with the author Domenico Mastrangelo
“The Betrayal of Hippocrates. Business medicine" Of Dominic Mastrangelo has the main purpose of informing people, an aspect that has always been a professional duty of every self-respecting doctor, now it becomes a moral duty, especially when it comes to relating to the patient who is waiting for a "response" and fully entrusts himself to the doctor. It highlights and analyzes with lucidity and penetrating how medicine is often supplanted by the strict, sometimes aberrant, rules of pharmaceutical companies that speculate on the precarious condition of the people and make its primary interests a business to which everything bends. This is not an indictment but an act of love towards the patient, on the part of the person who sits with him and holds out his hand to help him understand the dynamics of a nebulous phenomenon. And they take over"medicine's forgotten heroes”, as defined by Mastrangelo himself, these are the great geniuses of medicine from Benveniste to Bates, from Bechamp to Duesberg. who have made medicine their bulwark, albeit paying for it in person in the name of their love for truth and justice.
– Who betrayed Hippocrates? And above all why?
In the light of the most recent news events it is clear that the oath that every doctor signs when he graduates, the so-called "Hippocratic oath", has been betrayed. Hence the title of my book. A series could be written about why it is not respected. Failure to comply is undoubtedly linked to the interference of the pharmaceutical industry in the medical profession. Interference of all types and at all levels, made possible by the enormous economic power that the drug and diagnostics industry has acquired and continues to acquire with the sale of its products, which makes "sense" only and exclusively if there are sick people who need it. Consequently, the drug business can only and exclusively be supported by a sick humanity. This is why the health market is firmly in the hands of drug multinationals, and everything "works" for them and through them. Research included, since there isn't one, nowadays, that isn't funded by some pharmaceutical giant.
– How can we free ourselves from the drug lobby?
We speak of an economic and industrial power. As I wrote in the last chapter, it is a resource of inestimable value for the economies of industrialized countries, therefore "getting rid of it" is certainly not a simple undertaking. Possible solutions? Meanwhile, it is absolutely necessary for people to become aware of the fact that the worst that happens in medicine, from a moral, ethical, civil, social and cultural point of view, is linked to the rampant profiteering promoted, supported and encouraged by the drug industry. And that it is essential to limit l&r