
Sicor Teva (Lombardy) relocates

Closure of the Bulciago site: 109 jobs at risk

Sicor TEVA announces closure of the Bulciago site: 109 jobs at risk

The pharmaceutical company of the Teva group will close the Bulciago site within three months

The workers protest. The trade unions: "This is not how 50 years of history are erased"

Lecco news 18 February 2021

BULCIAGO – With a sudden decision, Sicor (a company part of the Teva pharmaceutical group) announced to the unions that in just over three months the Bulciago office will cease its activity. The Brianza plant produces active ingredients for generic drugs and over a hundred employees work there, who now risk being unemployed within a few weeks.

“It was a bolt from the blue - tells Celeste Sacchi of Uiltec – we were summoned by the company on Tuesday and we thought it was one of the normal discussion meetings with the union, instead we were informed of this decision”.

"As if nothing had happened, the Israeli multinational, which has owned the Bulciago site since 2002, has decided to cancel fifty years of industrial history in our area and to dismantle the plant which currently employs 109 people" he comments Nicholas Cesana of Filtec Cgil.

Up to now there were no warning signs: “Two years ago the company had received prescriptions from Aifa which it had complied with by carrying out the required works. But now there were no problems - explains Sacchi - We were told that the profit margins on Bulciago's productions, being of generic drugs, are too small".

A motivation which, for the unions, cannot be sufficient to justify the dismissal of over a hundred workers. For some it may be possible to relocate to the other production sites of the group in Lombardy. For the others, the dismissal would appear.

“Teva chooses to create another social crisis, after running the site wickedly in recent years. We cannot helplessly witness this situation and we will implement any possible initiative to change it” says Cesana of the CGIL.

Workers and trade unions have proclaimedor a strike and a protest garrison to be held on Monday afternoon in front of the factory gates. "The risk, with a total cessation of the activity - explains Celeste Sacchi - is that it is not even possible to obtain a period of extraordinary layoffs".

Unions: "Unacceptable, risks for employment and for the production system".

“In the last seven days, three multinationals in the chemical sector have announced the closure of as many production sites in our country and the consequent relocation of production. They are Henkel (detergents), Huntsman (polyurethanes) and Sycor TEVA (pharmaceutical), all in Lombardy. They have made choices that we firmly contest on the merits and which at this moment are even more serious because they fall within a context of a strong health, social and economic emergency that affects Italy like many other countries ". This was declared by the national secretariats of Filctem-Cgil, Femca-Cisl, Uiltec-Uil. "It is unacceptable - say the unions - that during a pandemic that sees the whole world committed to stemming a situation that is reaping deaths, social hardship and poverty, there are multinationals that seize the moment to trigger processes of restructuring and business closures production, not because of crises but to improve profit margins, firing hundreds of workers, without forgetting the cases of real "looting" such as the one carried out by Jindal Films (giant of technical packaging) against Treofan, compromising the supply chain Italian value. We would not like – continue Filctem, Femca, Uiltec – these events to be the index of a new reorganization process which sees companies tending to concentrate production and/or relocate it to lower cost countries, thus also exposing our country to considerable risks in view of the overall weakness of our production system and its fragmented nature which suffers from decades of absence of an industrial policy. The health emergency, the economic and productive emergency, with the safeguarding of employment are the priorities of the union as they must be of the whole country. Also for these reasons - they conclude - we will use all the useful tools for the defense of workers and production activities, immediately asking the competent institutions to implement the necessary measures to guarantee a future for the country ".

Press release

Related news: Teva, the plant closes But the plants will be sold

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