Historical Archive

Bersani law

As part of the working day of the Italian Scientific Group for Studies and Research, held in Milan, on herbal products, the president of the National Association of Herbal Pharmacists (ANEF), Maurizio Biaggi, took stock of how the sector changes following the Bersani decree. Before the provision, plant products could only be sold in pharmacies by the pharmacist, article no. 5 has changed this reality and according to Biaggi : “The real novelty of the sector is represented by the possibility of marketing products of plant origin also in herbal medicine shops and other shops with the presence of a pharmacist. Products of plant origin already present in herbal medicine, but called herbal medicines and traditional herbal medicines only in medicines". The Association hopes that the herbal product will be recognized as a traditional herbal medicine, even if the president himself admits: "We see this hypothesis as far off due to the consolidated text of the health laws". Maggi also recalls that the ANEF is in favor of the creation of a recognition brand that can identify the new realities of herbal shops selling over-the-counter medicines.
As a pharmacist33

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