Request: I am an ISF on mobility from May 2009 to May 2013, IPS office in Pozzuoli-NA. I would like to know to which office I have to submit my pension application. The agreement was signed in Assolombarda. My work area has always been in Campania. I am 61 years old.
Egr. Colleague, if all the procedures have been complied with, your name has been included in the list of redundant personnel and sent to the trade union associations, the competent Regional Labor Offices and the Regional Employment Commission and by transmitted here in the area of your residence. You will also have presented the application to receive mobility compensation (attaching the DS 22 form) to the INPS of your competence.
Therefore, if you have met the required requirements, you can apply for a pension at the INPS of Pozzuoli-NA.
According to the Salva Italia decree and the Milleproroghe, the redundant workers they could be entitled to retire on the basis of the old rules (provision not yet published in the Official Journal). The provision should concern 65,000 workers, if there are more, as it seems, the choice of the 65,000 "lucky" ones will be entrusted to the INPS which will decide after examining the applications presented to special commissions set up at the Territorial Labor Directorates which will communicate the decisions taken on by INPS electronically. For the others it will be necessary to wait for the government's decisions.
Given the uncertainty surrounding the Fornero pension reform, especially as regards exodus workers (like your case), our advice is to entrust yourself to a patronage (INACA-Cgil, INAS-Cisl, ITAL-Uil, ACLI, etc.) who can give you the best advice free of charge and prepare the retirement application which you can send electronically directly to INPS.
We hope we have been comprehensive. Good luck!
The editorial staff of the Federaisf