Too many drugs on the web. Too many drugs purchased in Friuli via the internet. This is the alarm raised by the Order of Doctors of Udine and confirmed by a Censis survey. The President of Friulian Omceo, Louis Conte, he says: ” We carried out a survey among medicine consumers in the region. Many buy on the web”. A practice, the latter, prohibited in Italy, which exposes the customer to the risk of running into counterfeit specialties, with less expensive active ingredients, or foreign products, which could have different dosages. “In health care – continues Conte – one cannot look only at savings. The patient must entrust himself to doctors and pharmacists to share his therapeutic choice with them”. Among the damages, for example, many are the cardiovascular ones linked to the purchase of Viagra, in first place in online shopping. (mr) From Journal of the Doctor 23-10-06
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