"On the prices of class A drugs, data piloted to hit pharmacies: a well-orchestrated campaign is underway that seems to prepare the ground for a further bloodletting against pharmacies in the next Budget law". Federfarma, which represents the proprietary pharmacists, denounces it, commenting on the data of a survey on the prices of medicines, carried out by Altroconsumo. According to the analysis by the consumer association, the prices of class A medicines, those paid by the NHS, would be the highest in Europe in Italy and the cause would be the high cost of intermediate and final distribution, wholesalers and pharmacies . "The survey, which involved 19 drugs out of 4,707 group A packs, contradicts - Federfarma replies in a note - what has always been supported by the same consumer associations, the pharmaceutical industries and the Medicines Agency, namely that the prices of class A drugs are among the lowest in Europe and that, precisely to compensate for this, industries have been allowed to freely increase the prices of class C drugs (to be paid by citizens), which today are among the highest of Europe".
From “pharmacist33”
From “pharmacist33”