Historical Archive


Milan, January 15th

Homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture. These are just some of the alternative medicines chosen in 2008 by over 23% of Italians, according to Censis data. An important slice of citizens who, convinced of the effectiveness of non-conventional treatments (MNC), use them despite having to pay for them out of their own pockets. "Precisely because both therapies and visits are not reimbursed by the National Health Service and therefore do not burden public budgets, it is estimated that this can save the NHS, in terms of hospitalizations and other services avoided, as much as 40 million euros, as results from data from Omeoimprese". This was stated by the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Paolo Roberti of Sarsina, expert for non-conventional medicines of the Superior Health Council, co-director of the Advanced Training course in Sociology of health and non-conventional medicines of the University of Bologna, founder and coordinator of the Committee for NCM in Italy. "In our country - underlines the expert - around 30 companies employing over 1,200 employees operate in the homeopathic sector and Italy is the third European market after France and Germany. The sector continues to grow, with an average of 6-7% per year in the last decade


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