Historical Archive

Pharmakronos: extraordinary edition

Six people under house arrest, two residence obligations, 13 pharmaceutical industry executives suspended for two months from entrepreneurial activity, and nine other people under investigation on the loose. These are the numbers of the 'Derma bargain done' operation, conducted by the carabinieri of the Nas of Florence, under the direction of the Public Prosecutor of Florence, and in which it emerged that the suspects, through a dense network of corruptive relationships connected between them allegedly earned illicit profits in the context of an experimental project, called 'Psocare', developed by the Italian drug agency for the research and treatment of psoriasis. At the head of the organization with the role of creator, promoter and organizers of the criminal association, Professor Torello Lotti, a 57-year-old Florentine specialist doctor who holds various hospital, university and inter-university positions. Lotti is professor of dermatology and venereology at the University of Florence, director of the Dermatology Department of the Santa Maria Nuova hospital in Florence, of the 'Psocare' Center in Florence, but above all he is the president of the Italian Society of Dermatology and of the International Society of Dermatology. Together with him, five other people were placed under house arrest, a 30-year-old doctor who works with Lotti, Michela Troiano, Patrizia Cecchi, 52, secretary of the Dermatology Center; Stefano Coppoloni 30 years old, Corrado Trevisan 59 years old and Leonardo Fronticelli; the latter three managers of the Hevento service company in Florence, which organized conferences. The charges for the six arrested are of criminal association, corruption, fraud against the state and forgery. Same charges, except the criminal conspiracy also for all the other suspects. The companies involved were found to be the pharmaceutical companies: Abbott, Janssen & Cilag, Wyeth Lederle, Schering Plough, Novartis, Morgan Pharma and manufacturers of drugs, both biological and non-biological, such as Humira, Stelara, Enbrell, Rimicade, Sandimmun Neoral and Olecut Trial. The pharmaceutical industries, which with this illicit activity made greater profits thanks to a greater diffusion of their drugs, allocated the proceeds donated to the financial statements of companies that organized events, in fact controlled by the doctors who received the profits, and in particular by Professor Torello Lotti. The money resulting from corrupt activities was therefore entirely the prerogative of both

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