Proposal of Law n.1419

No. 1419
New regulation of pharmaceutical scientific information activities and establishment of the register of drug scientific representatives
Presented on July 25, 2001
No. 1419
Ladies and Gentlemen! – This bill reproduces in full the text of the bill containing "New regulation of pharmaceutical scientific information activities and establishment of the register of drug sales reps" approved by the Senate of the Republic, during the XIII legislature, on 25 January 2001 (Senate act n. 478).
The bill takes into account the provisions on the subject contained in the legislative decree of 30 December 1992, n. 541, which implement directive 92/28/EEC concerning the advertising of medicines for human use. This draft law does not overlap with this decree, regulating aspects not considered by it or providing for appropriate additions to aspects regulated only on a general level.
Considering the importance and delicacy of scientific information on drugs, the proposed law aims to outline the figure, role and duties of the drug scientific representative, the legal nature of the relationship between the pharmaceutical industries and the representative and the professional profile of those employed in the sector.
The law proposal, in article 2, defines the role of the drug scientific representative as the one who "brings the scientific information on drugs to the attention of healthcare professionals and ensures its periodic updating".
Article 3 provides for the use, by pharmaceutical industries, of drug sales reps, who are required to respect the professional secrecy of the information provided to them by the companies.
The following articles, from 4 to 17, govern the constitution of the colleges of drug sales representatives and the National Council of the colleges of the aforementioned sales representatives, the electoral procedures and the requisites required for enrollment in the professional register.
Articles 18 to 23 govern the disciplinary sanctions and the procedures for keeping the register.
Articles 24, 25 and 26 contain, respectively, transitional, financial rules and for the issue of the regulation implementing the law
Article 1.
1. Except as expressly established by this law, the provisions and definitions contained in the legislative decree of 30 December 1992, n. 541, implementing directive 92/28/EEC concerning the advertising of medicines for human use.
Article 2.
1. Scientific informant of drugs is the person who, registered in the special register referred to in article 15, brings scientific information on drugs to the attention of healthcare professionals and ensures its periodic updating. By decree of the Minister of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research, issued in agreement with the Minister of Health, the university qualifications required for the exercise of the profession of scientific representative of the drug are defined, taking into account the university qualifications acquired on the basis of the legislation in force prior to the date of entry into force of the regulation referred to in the decree of the Minister of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research 3 November 1999, n. 509, and the subsequent decrees referred to in article 17, paragraph 95, of the law of 15 May 1997, n. 127, and subsequent modifications.
2. It is the duty of the pharmaceutical sales representative to communicate, pursuant to article 9, paragraph 6, of the legislative decree of 30 December 1992, n. 541, to the manager of the scientific service of the company referred to in article 14 of the legislative decree itself, the observations on the medicinal specialties that the operators report, guaranteeing a constant exchange of information between doctors and companies.
Article 3.
1. Pharmaceutical representatives are required to respect the professional secrecy of the information provided to them by the companies for which they work, as well as by other healthcare operators.
2. Pharmaceutical industries, in order to carry out propaganda and dissemination activities, must draw from the register of scientific representatives and can also form associations in order to use the same scientific representative.
3. The employment relationship of the scientific informant is governed by the relative collective bargaining agreements between the categories concerned pursuant to article 6, eighth paragraph, of the decree of the Minister of Health of 23 June 1981, published in the Official Gazette no. 180 of 2 July 1981.
Article 4.
1. Provincial colleges of drug sales representatives are established in each province, with functions relating to the maintenance of the professional register and the discipline of the members and with any other attribution provided for by law.
2. Pharmaceutical sales reps registered in the register referred to in article 15 and resident in the province belong to the provincial colleges.
3. If the number of drug sales reps residing in the province is small or if there are other reasons of a historical or geographical nature, it may be established, pursuant to letter d) of paragraph 1 of article 12, that a college has as its district two or more neighboring provinces.
Article 5.
1. The functions referred to in article 4 are exercised, for each province or group of provinces, by the councils of the provincial colleges of drug sales representatives elected in assembly among those registered in the register referred to in article 15 residing in the same territorial district, by relative majority of votes and by secret ballot.
2. The councils of the provincial colleges referred to in paragraph 1 are made up of nine scientific representatives of the drug, who have at least five years of activity effectively carried out.
Article 6.
1. The council of the provincial college elects a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer from among its members.
Article 7.
1. The council of the provincial college has the following powers:
a) compile and keep the college register;
b) take care of the observance of the provisions of the law and of all other provisions on the subject by the members;
c) supervise for the protection of the drug sales representative in any place and carry out any activity aimed at the repression of the abusive exercise of the profession;
d) promote and encourage all initiatives aimed at the cultural progress of the members;
e) collaborate with public and private entities operating in the drug sector in the study and implementation of measures that may in any case affect the college;
f) exercise disciplinary power over members;
g) provide for the administration of the assets pertaining to the college and propose the budget and the final account for approval by the assembly;
h) exercise the other powers assigned to him by law;
i) designate the representatives of the college to the National Council referred to in article 10.
2. Each provincial council, on the indication of the National Council referred to in article 10, takes care of annually promoting, organizing and supervising a professional training course, in collaboration with the university, for drug sales representatives registered in the college register.
3. The execution of the courses referred to in paragraph 2 and the relative programs are communicated in advance to the Ministry of Health, which provides the indications and guidelines aimed at giving homogeneity to these initiatives.
Article 8.
1. The president of the council of the provincial college of drug sales reps is the representative of the college itself, convenes and presides over the members' assembly and exercises the other powers conferred on him by law.
2. The vice president replaces the president in case of absence or impediment and performs any functions delegated to him.
Article 9.
1. Each provincial college of drug sales representatives has a provincial college of auditors, made up of three members, which controls the management of the funds and verifies the budgets prepared by the council, reporting them to the assembly.
Article 10.
1. The National Council of Colleges of Pharmaceutical Representatives is hereby established. It includes a representative for each provincial or interprovincial college.
2. The provincial or inter-provincial colleges which have more than three hundred registered drug sales representatives elect an additional national councilor for every three hundred drug sales reps exceeding this number or fraction of it greater than half.
Article 11.
1. The National Council of Colleges of Pharmaceutical Representatives elects a president, a secretary, a treasurer and five councilors from among its members, who form the executive committee.
2. The National Council referred to in paragraph 1 also designates three scientific representatives of the drug to exercise the function of auditor.
Article 12.
1. The following powers are assigned to the National Council of Colleges of Pharmaceutical Representatives:
a) supervise the protection of the category of scientific representatives of the drug and take care of the deontological relations between the representatives and the corporate management on which they depend;
b) coordinate and promote the cultural activities of the councils of the provincial colleges to encourage initiatives aimed at improving and professionally perfecting for qualified and scientific information, as well as regulating and supervising the updating and permanent training of drug sales representatives;
c) expressing its opinion, when requested, on draft laws and regulations concerning the scientific information service on medicines and the profession of scientific information on medicines, as well as on any other matter pertaining to the provincial colleges;
d) decide on the establishment of interprovincial colleges in the cases provided for by paragraph 3 of article 4;
e) decide administratively on the appeals against the resolutions of the councils of the provincial colleges regarding registration and cancellation from the register, on the appeals in disciplinary matters and on those relating to the elections of the councils of the provincial colleges and of the provincial colleges of auditors;
f) draw up the regulations for the handling of appeals and matters within its competence;
g) determine the extent of the annual fees due by members.
Article 13.
1. The members of each council of the provincial college and those of the national council of drug sales reps remain in office for three years and can be re-elected for no more than two consecutive terms.
Article 14.
1. All drug sales reps are eligible for the positions referred to in articles 6 and 11, even if enrolled in other professional registers, without prejudice to the conditions of compatibility referred to in article 3.
Article 15.
1. A register of drug sales reps, who have their residence in the territory included in the district of the college itself, is established in each council of the provincial or inter-provincial college.
Article 16.
1. The register referred to in article 15 must contain the surname, first name, date of birth, residence and domicile of the members, as well as the date of registration and the title on the basis of which it took place. Seniority is determined by the date of enrollment in the register.
Article 17.
1. The following requirements are required for enrollment in the register:
a) citizenship of a member country of the European Union;
b) enjoyment of civil rights;
c) possession of one of the university qualifications defined by the decree referred to in paragraph 1 of article 2.
Article 18.
1. Scientific representatives of the drug incur the provision for cancellation from the register:
a) for loss of enjoyment of civil rights;
b) for criminal conviction;
c) for cessation of professional activity for at least five years;
d) for proven exercise of activity in another professional college.
Article 19.
1. The scientific representative of the drug canceled from the register can, at his request, be readmitted when the reasons that led to the cancellation have ceased.
2. If the cancellation from the register occurred following a criminal conviction, the application for new registration can be proposed when rehabilitation has been obtained.
Article 20.
1. A copy of the register referred to in article 15 must be deposited every year within the month of January, by the councils of the provincial colleges, at the chancery of the court of appeal of the regional capital where the aforementioned councils have their headquarters, as well as at the secretariat of the National Council of colleges of drug sales representatives and at the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health.
2. Any new registration or cancellation must be communicated within two months to the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Health, the Registry of the Court of Appeal, the Prosecutor General of the same Court of Appeal and the National Council referred to in paragraph 1.
Article 21.
1. Those enrolled in the register of drug scientific representatives who are guilty of acts that do not conform to professional decorum and dignity or of acts that compromise their reputation or the dignity of the panel are subject to disciplinary proceedings.
Article 22.
1. Disciplinary sanctions are pronounced with a reasoned decision by the council of the provincial college referred to in article 5 after hearing the interested party. They are:
a) the warning;
b) censorship;
c) suspension from practicing the profession for a period of no less than two months and no more than one year;
d) disqualification from the register.
Article 23.
1. Judicial appeal is permitted against decisions regarding registration, cancellation and election in the councils of provincial colleges and disciplinary measures.
Article 24.
1. In the first application of this law, all those who have carried out this activity continuously for at least two years, starting from the date of entry into force of the legislative decree 30 December 1992, n. 541, even in the absence of the requirements referred to in paragraph 1 of article 2 of this law. They can be registered in the register referred to in article 15, upon specific written request, accompanied by suitable documentation.
Article 25.
1. All expenses deriving from the implementation of this law are financed with the quotas referred to in letter g) of paragraph 1 of article 12 and consequently any burden on the State budget is excluded.
Article 26.
1. The Government, within three months from the date of entry into force of this law, issues the related implementing regulation. The aforementioned regulation also dictates the rules relating to the assemblies of members and the elections of the councils of the provincial and inter-provincial colleges referred to in this law.