No more contest with cruise up for grabs for doctors who put the poster of Uliveto and Rocchetta water in their study and review of the terms of the initiative: this is the commitment made by Giacomo Milillo, national secretary of Fimmg (Italian federation of general practitioners) with Fnomceo (Federation of medical orders), who on Friday examined the case of this agreement between general practitioners and the water brand.
“I had sent a letter – he explains Amedeo Bianco, president Fnomceo – in Milillo, in which I proposed a series of initiatives, given the complex nature of the issue from a dental point of view, as it is not expressly regulated by the dental code. The discussion took place quickly and productively, given that Milillo immediately replied today with another letter, in which he grasps the meaning of our request and shares the need for ethical regulation of the matter». While acknowledging that the assumptions of the initiative "are honest", Fnomceo has invited Fimmg to review the terms of the initiative. «Which Milillo – continues Bianco – has undertaken to do. From this experience we will draw elements to improve the problem, given that the advertising of medical associations and unions is a more general issue. In the present case, perhaps there was too much emphasis.' Fimmg, for its part, explains that «it won't wage a battle of principles - comments Milillo - We adapt to the sensitivity of the presidents of the orders. There are more important issues now that deserve our attention."
28 January '13 – DoctorNews33
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