"We will move with the tools we have available, given that the pharmaceutical industry has not been introducing new and effective discoveries and molecules for some years". The «Salute Salento» association attacks: «The infection committee never worked»
by Salvatore Avitabile February 4, 2015 – NOON COURIER / Chronicles
LECCE – In the province of Lecce there are already four victims of the flu. And the controversy erupts. The "Salute Salento" association attacks the ASL. «Up until now, the health departments of hospitals have done little or nothing. Last November, faced with the numerous reports of infections, the medical director Ottavio Narracci renewed the composition of the Cio, the Committee for hospital infections, a committee which is envisaged by the regional guidelines in each hospital, but which, at least at the Vito Fazzi hospital, it almost never worked. After an initial working meeting, there was a change of guard at the ASL top management," they explain from the Salento association which is very active in the health field. The extraordinary commissioner of the ASL, Giovanni Gorgoni, has asked citizens to get vaccinated but in the meantime in Salento there is an open hunt for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. «At the top of the list of killer bacteria is the deadly Klebsiella, a super bacterium whose impact has almost doubled in recent years in Italy. But also causing problems in hospitals are Acinetobacter, beta-lactamase-resistant Escherichia coli infections, Candida and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (RSA). Above all, they affect elderly patients, immunosuppressed by the excessive use of antibiotics to which the bacterium has now become refractory», the association said. He adds: "In recent weeks, 4-5 elderly people would have died at the Scorrano hospital due to complications related to drug-resistant bacterial forms".
The manager
Gorgoni explained: «In these days the medical director Sanguedolce who has experience of hospital infections, will meet the directors of the unit to take stock of the control and therefore draw up an intervention and above all prevention plan. Hospitals are places where antibiotics are used and where the most stubborn resistance develops. Hospital infection control is a cornerstone of hospital functionality. We will move with the tools we have available, given that the pharmaceutical industry for some years has not been introducing new and effective discoveries and molecules". According to the «Salute Salento» association, therefore, «the problem is traced back to the possibility of isolating immuno-depressed subjects hospitalized in the medicine and pulmonology departments, but above all in intensive care and resuscitation, where antibiotics are widely used» . Fourth death from H1N1 flu in the local health authority of Lecce. In the early afternoon of today, at the Scorrano hospital, a 60-year-old man died of acute respiratory failure. The man was .
The worsening
The fourth death from H1N1 flu in the Lecce ASL occurred in the Scorrano hospital where a 60-year-old man died of acute respiratory failure. The man was . On January 30, the positive result of the H1N1 flu test arrived. The conditions worsened in the following days: the exams highlighted a massive bilateral bronchopneumonia and the Ecmo was already ready to intervene. "This is the fourth death recorded in this ASL from H1N1 flu," said Giovanni Gorgoni. The total number of confirmed cases of H1N1 remains unchanged (9 since the beginning of the emergency). Meanwhile, the blockade of hospitalizations for planned operations continues and the situation in the six hospitals in the area is under control. The ASL is once again renewing its invitation to get the vaccine by contacting your general practitioner. “It is important – says Gorgoni – that above all children, chronic patients and the over 65s are vaccinated”.
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