Historical Archive

PHARMACEUTICAL PRESS REVIEW from July 15th to 17th of AboutPharma

Press Review from 15/07/08 to the 17/07/08 

Quarterly increase for Novartis: +12%

(The Wall Street Journal online, Les Echos online - July 17, 2008)

In the 2nd quarter of 2008, Novartis reported net income of $2.25 billion, compared with 2.01 in 2007 and sales increased by 14% to $10.7 billion, driven primarily by the prescription division -drugs', which scored a +14%.



"The Santa Rita cancel horror surgery"

(the Milan Republic: p. VII – 17 July 2008)

In the reopening plan of the Santa Rita presented to the ASL by the new management of the clinic, there is no trace of the thoracic surgery department, where Pier Paolo Brega Massone, the doctor accused of murdering 5 patients, operated for years. The ASL is X-raying the industrial plan of Santa Rita: 'It goes in the requested direction' says the General Manager Cristina Cantù. Meanwhile, the union is pressing for the clinic to reopen as soon as possible.



Milan: boom in psychiatric drugs

(Corriere della Sera Milan: page 3, Libero Milan: page 51 – 17 July 2008)

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