Historical Archive

PHARMACEUTICAL PRESS REVIEW from April 29 to May 5 of AboutPharma

Press Review from 29/04/08 to the 05/05/08 


France: large consumption of drugs

(Les Echos online – May 5, 2008)

A report by the Social Security Financial Evaluation and Control Mission (MECSS) reveals that the French consume many more drugs than other European countries. The data shows that consumption, in value terms, is on average 30% above the other OECD countries, while in volume it exceeds its European neighbors by 50%. The National Assembly has called for tighter controls on drug prescriptions.



Pfizer invests in Ireland

(Les Echos online – May 5, 2008)

Pfizer has invested 190 million euros in Ireland for the construction of a plant specialized in the biotech sector.



"The baby food market is worth 840 million"

(Il Sole 24 Ore: page 11 – 5 May 2008)

Italy is the 3rd country in Europe, after the United Kingdom and France, for the consumption of baby food with a turnover of 840 million euros. The major portion of the

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